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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Warm Quinoa Arugula Salad

I came up with this salad as an alternative to a salad I got at LALA Grill here in beautiful Monterey, Ca 

Dried cherries 
Grilled onions
Red quinoa 
Vinaigrette (apple cider/balsamic/cherry vinegar or a combo of all 3 are good mixed with a little EVOO and a dash of salt and pepper)   

Dump the warm quinoa on last and then top with the dressing 

***Use organic produce please! I know it costs more, but we have to support the movement!!! 

The original salad has bacon, grilled chicken breast, and feta cheese, but I'm leaning toward no meat or dairy lately so I left those things out.



Vega One Review

This is my FAVORITE shake.. And 
I've tried nearly all of them. What I like about Vega One is that not only are you getting protein - you're getting probiotics, omega-3, fiber, greens, antioxidants, and vitamins/minerals! - Did I mention its VEGAN AND GLUTEN FREE?!

This is not ideal for bodybuilders trying to use shakes to gain muscle mass. In that case they need a shake with approximately 40g of protein so I would suggest mixing a scoop of this with something else such as Isopure if you're trying to gain mass. 

Each scoop has less than 200 calories so its a perfect in-between-meal snack or you could drink it as a meal replacement. If you want to lose weight fast I would suggest drinking this for dinner at about 6pm and having nothing else for the rest of the night except tea or water. 

Sometimes when people start taking this they will feel a little "off" as in some bowel upset, but that's just your body detoxing the crap you've been eating. If you get an upset tummy don't worry it will only last a few days!

Chocolate (my fav)
Vanilla Chai 
You can mix the powder with water, but I like coconut milk and almond milk because to me it tastes better.

Not all smoothies are created equal

There is a big fad now in the health world with smoothies. Everyday I see people posting their not-so-healthy fruit smoothies on Pinterest and Instagram and I have decided to post about how you can actually LOSE weight drinking them.

First of all... Don't ever use sugary fruit juice!!! It's best to use water as the liquid or all natural juice like Simply Orange or POM juice. Just don't go crazy with the juice because it does add a lot of calories and sugar. 

I personally like to use organic produce and the biggest thing that people don't realize is that 80% of the blender should be greens/veggies and the other 20% is fruit. Honestly, you only need a small amount of fruit to make it sweet and cover up the greens. 

If you keep those things in mind when making healthy smoothies, you will be much better off

Ps. NEVER use arugula in a smoothie unless you don't mind a peppery taste. I love it for salads but not for my smoothies!!!


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