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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Point Lobos Hike

Amazing hike with amazing friends!
Today my friends and I went hiking in Point Lobos Reserve, just south of Carmel, Ca. Even on a foggy day this place is still beautiful. There were quite a few people there today and one guy was nice enough to stop and take this picture of us:) I'm not really sure why, but I go through spells in life of wanting to be closer to nature. Maybe it's because I just started a new job and this is a way for me to clear my mind. To me, hiking is very healing. Not only do you have an abundance of endorphins running through you, but the colors, sights, and sounds remind me how small I am and how insignificant my problems are. When I was little, my Dad used to take my brother and I for hikes pretty much every other weekend. Being the 'mountain-man' that he is, we hiked for HOURS... at a young age. At the time I absolutely hated hiking! I can still hear my Dad's voice saying annoying things like, "No pain, no gain." and "No water until we get to the top." Now when I look back I realize it was more than just hiking. It was one of those inconspicuous life lessons that we take for granted. Life is like one big hike! We travel uphill and then back down again. We have lots of bumps in the road and beautiful things to look at along the way. Am I the type of person who just stares at the ground underneath my feet watching every step and anticipating the next obstacle in order to make sure that I don't make a mistake? Or am I the type of person who keeps focus on the goals ahead while taking the time to enjoy the journey I'm on and taking in the beauty all around me? I think the answer is that we are all a little bit of both. So that's my inspiration for the day. My goal is to try a little harder to see that there is always beauty and goodness in the world if we can only take the time to stop looking at our feet and enjoy this adventure we call life ♥

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Hiking in Big Sur

My mom, sister, and I took my boys to Pfeiffer Falls in Big Sur, Ca yesterday. We had a blast searching for banana slugs, shimmying across logs, and standing inside a gigantic Redwood tree that my son insisted he live in! 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

A New Take on Cabbage

Just found this amazing recipe from NY Times

Cabbage and Ricotta Timbale

Total time: About 1 hour 15 minutes, plus 10 minutes cooling time

2 tablespoons unsalted butter, plus additional for the baking dishes
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 small cabbage, about 1 pound, cored and finely shredded (6 to 7 cups)
Salt to taste
2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill
2 hard-boiled eggs, chopped
Freshly ground pepper
4 eggs
3/4 cup ricotta (optional)

1. Heat the butter over medium heat in a large, heavy skillet and add onion. Cook, stirring often, until tender, about 5 minutes. Add cabbage and salt to taste and cook, stirring often, until cabbage is tender but not browned, about 15 minutes. Stir in dill, chopped hard-boiled eggs, and pepper. Taste and adjust salt. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.

3. Beat eggs in a large bowl and beat in ricotta. Stir in cabbage filling. Add salt to taste and freshly ground pepper. Divide evenly among the ramekins. Fill the baking dish with hot water to at least halfway up the sides of the ramekins. Bake individual ramekins for 40 to 45 minutes, a larger soufflé or gratin for 50 to 60 minutes, until set and lightly colored. Turn off the oven and prop open the door with a wooden spoon. Leave for 10 minutes, then remove from the oven. Let sit for another 10 minutes or longer. Serve from the dish, or unmold.2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Generously butter 4 1-cup ramekins or a 1- or 1-1/2-quart soufflé dish. Place the ramekins or soufflé dish in a baking pan.

Yield: 4 generous servings

Advance preparation: The cabbage mixture can be made through Step 1 a day or two ahead.

Nutritional information per serving: 82 calories; 4 grams fat; 1 gram saturated fat; 1 gram polyunsaturated fat; 2 grams monounsaturated fat; 34 milligrams cholesterol; 9 grams carbohydrates; 1 gram dietary fiber; 89 milligrams sodium (does not include salt to taste); 3 grams protein

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Bacon Balsamic Brussels Sprouts

Bacon Balsamic Brussels Sprouts

If you think you HATE brussels sprouts (like I did), you must try preparing them this way!

Brussels sprouts
1 cup balsamic vinegar
Salt & pepper

Cook bacon lightly in a pan and lay flat on paper towel
Heat EVOO in pot on medium heat
Rinse the sprouts and drain in collander
Cut sprouts into halves
Add chopped/sliced onion (if desired)
Add brussels sprouts and cook until leaves start to brown 
Add basalmic vinegar
Cover pot with lid and reduce heat to low
Simmer until tender
chop bacon into pieces and add to pot
Salt and pepper to taste

The Best Healthy Cookies You've Ever Had!

Oatmeal Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies

2 bananas
1 cup quick oats
Semi-sweet chocolate chips
Blend the bananas in a blender, using a tablespoon of water as needed
Mix with oats and chocolate chips in a mixing bowl
Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes

Gluten Free Mom :: Zucchini Linguine

Gluten Free Mom :: Zucchini Linguine

Meal Planning

The most important thing to remember when trying to stick to a healthy diet is meal planning! I have found that when I eat the wrong foods, its usually because I was hungry and just reached for the food that takes the least amount of time and effort to prepare... Usually carbs! I have a serious weakness for cereal, bread, oatmeal, fig newtons, granols bars, etc. Here are some make-ahead foods that will satisfy you hunger throughout the day and not leave you feeling guilty!

Vegetable soup
Hard-boiled eggs
Sweet potatoes
Grilled chicken breasts
Brown rice
Sliced carrots & celery
Homemade frozen yogurt

Click HERE for an awesome list of savory make ahead snacks under 200 calories!

Beet Salad Recipe

Roasted beets
Feta cheese
Toasted walnuts
Balsamic vinegar 


Boete - The Best Wine in California

Boete is my absolute favorite wine! Estate grown in Carmel Valley, Ca

Garland Park Carmel Valley, Ca

One of my favorite places to hike is the beautiful Garland Park in Carmel Valley, Ca.
This is an amazing place to run, hike, bike, ride horses, walk the dog, take photos, ect.
I actually took this picture with my iPhone 5 while hiking with my Noni. If you are visiting from out of town and just want to see some really gorgeous countryside, you are sure to find it here.
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